**Real-Time and Distributed Systems Research Group
A design methodology which allies the graphical expressiveness of the timethread notation with the analytical power of the LOTOS language and its associated tools is presented. The concept of timethread is at the basis of a design methodology based on scenarios. A simple telephone system is used as an example. It is shown how the main scenarios of such a system can be expressed by the timethread notation, leading to an abstract system design. Further, it is shown how the notation can be translated into LOTOS. LOTOS tools are used to validate the high-level design. Tools used include LOLA for analysis and design testing, LMC for checking temporal logic properties, and GOAL for checking reachability of actions.
FDT-based software engineering, tools and tool support, design and design validation, timethreads, LOTOS
A software design methodology should meet two criteria: expressiveness and flexibility of the design language, and power of analysis and validation methods. For this reason, one seeks design methods that are based on expressive visual design notations, and formal analysis methods that are based on sound theoretical foundations. Design methods are intended to be used by system designers (architects or engineers) to describe systems (or system properties, such as scenarios, architecture and data transformation), while formal methods are used to verify that the system has the desired properties.
Timethreads (Buhr and Casselman, 1992 and 1995) are a high-level design notation for distributed systems that expresses scenario paths. In this paper, we show how the formal language LOTOS and its associated analysis methods and tools can be used to analyze and validate timethreads visual design descriptions.
Scenario-based approaches are now widely used in industry for the design of distributed systems. One of the main reasons is that scenarios describe top-level critical requirements that need to be fulfilled by any detailed design, and thereafter by implementations. Also, scenarios can usually be obtained easily from requirements. They express sequences of activities that need to be executed within the system in order to produce correct outputs from triggering events.
The concept of timethreads has been defined to be used in early stages of design (high-level design) to capture the different scenario paths that should drive the design process. They are used as a thinking tool in the requirement analysis phase where system designers try to understand the set of requirements as a whole before stepping into the detailed-design phase. Timethreads are defined as scenario paths because they illustrate paths along which scenarios flow in the system.
One of the particularities of the timethread methodology is that individual timethreads can be composed into a diagram called timethread map. Also, unlike other models for scenario description, timethreads make abstraction of specific mechanisms of component interaction. They provide for a notion of refinement of activities from a level of abstraction to the next.
Timethreads exist independently of any system structure, or decomposition. However, they are usually superimposed on structures, in which case they illustrate the sequences of activities through the set of system components. In this case, timethread activities, also called responsibilities in the timethread literature, are assigned to system components that become responsible to execute them in the detailed-design.
Space does not allow us to mention all aspects of the timethread methodology. Suffice is to say that it covers different stages of high-level design development.
The ISO standard FDT (Formal Description Technique) LOTOS (ISO,1988) is used in this project for formal analysis and validation purpose. The reasons for choosing LOTOS are multiple. LOTOS allows to express both individual timethreads, as LOTOS processes, and interactions between timethreads in timethread maps, as LOTOS process interactions. It is executable with a formal operational semantics. Also, LOTOS possesses a hide operator that allows the designer to explicitly hide some gates in the specification, without having to modify the rest of the specification. This allows designers to focus on certain sets of activities when executing a specification. Finally, since LOTOS is an ISO standard, the number of tools that support it and the analysis and validation power of these tools are constantly increasing.
Research on integrating LOTOS in a design discipline which was a forerunner of timethreads was described in (Vigder and Buhr, 1992). Timethreads were then called slices. In the context of object-oriented systems (Buhr and Casselman, 1995), the authors renamed timethreads as use case paths.
The objective of this project is to define a formal framework that will allow designers to analyze and validate a high-level design (a timethread map) against requirements (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 Validation of high-level design w.r.t. requirements.
This paper gives an overview of our formal framework for timethreads. Our approach to generate LOTOS specifications from timethread maps is based on the concept of formal interpretation methods defined in (Bordeleau, 1993). Formal interpretation methods allow the mapping of design models onto formal models that can be analyzed and validated. The LOTOS interpretation method for timethreads, which is described in detail in (Amyot, 1994), is briefly described in this paper (Section2). We illustrate the use of the interpretation method by giving part of the LOTOS specification resulting from the interpretation of the timethread map of a case study: a simplified telephone system. We discuss how the resulting specification is obtained.
One important aspect of timethread maps that can be analyzed using our formal framework is the emergence of new unexpected scenarios, i.e. scenarios that were not intended in the timethread map, but that emerge from the interaction of timethreads that are described in the map. Such unexpected scenarios can be acceptable or not in the context of the system. The identification of such scenarios is critical in distributed system design, and it constitutes a difficult problem which is sometimes called feature interaction problem. We also analyze timethread maps with respect to deadlocks, non-deterministic sequences of activities and race conditions. We briefly discuss a few LOTOS tools used for the analysis and validation of timethread maps.
For simplicity, this paper emphasizes scenario aspects and makes abstraction from the notion of components, although components are shown in the timethreads maps, and although the timethread methodology has a well-defined role for them.
In this section, we briefly describe the LOTOS interpretation method for timethreads that has been defined in (Bordeleau and Amyot, 1993). In the context of our interpretation method, we use the language TMDL (Timethread Map Description Language) for the textual description of timethread maps. The method, illustrated in Figure 2, allows the generation of LOTOS specifications from timethread maps. This method is mainly composed of four different sub-methods: the timethread map decomposition (M1), the structure interpretation (M2), the single timethread interpretation (M3) and the LOTOS specification composition (M4).
TMDL Description of Timethread Maps: TMDL (Amyot, 1994) is used to represent timethread maps in a textual form. It is the starting point of our LOTOS interpretation method. This language expresses both the topology of interacting timethreads and individual timethreads in a map. A prototype tool has been implemented to compile TMDL descriptions into LOTOS specifications. TMDL itself will not be discussed much further in this paper, but it will be used it in two short examples to explain the transition from the graphical timethread map to the textual LOTOS specification.
Figure 2 LOTOS interpretation method for timethreads.
Timethread Map Decomposition Method (M1): Timethread
maps are composed of a set of interacting timethreads. Formal
interpretation methods deal separately with structure and behaviour.
For this reason, the first step (M1) decomposes a timethread
map into a set of individual timethreads (the Descriptions
section of the TMDL description) and a timethread topology, i.e.,
a set of timethread interactions (the Interactions
section of TMDL).
Structure Interpretation Method (M2): The goal of this method is to generate a LOTOS structure expression which expresses the topology of interacting timethreads in a system. The generation of this LOTOS expression is based on a method defined in (Bordeleau, 1993). Other similar methods, where graph structures are transformed into LOTOS expressions (trees), can be found in (Bolognesi, 1990, de Frutos-Eserig, 1993, and Hinterplattner and al., 1993).
Single Timethread Interpretation Method (M3): This method aims at generating LOTOS behaviour expressions from single timethreads. Each behaviour expression is a LOTOS process corresponding to its associated timethread.
Specification Composition Method (M4): We collect the structure expression and the set of behaviour expressions previously generated to produce a LOTOS specification.
Being formal and algebraic in nature, LOTOS lends itself to validation activities, which often are based on bisimulation concepts. This can help verifying that two specifications at two different levels of abstraction, or having different structures, are indeed comparable. If a LOTOS specification has a finite model, temporal logic analysis, such as model-checking, is possible. Being executable, a LOTOS specification produces a prototype of the entity specified, prototype which can be analyzed and tested (design-level testing). This opens a number of possibilities for validation, of which a few are demonstrated later in this paper.
In our methodology, a formal interpretation model (LOTOS) is obtained from a semi-formal notation (Timethreads). Therefore, the correctness of a timethread-to-LOTOS translation cannot be ensured.
We use the connection phase of a simplified telephone system to illustrate the methodology because most people intuitively know and understand this application. An Initiator tries to establish a connection with a Responder via a simple Switch, and several results, such as a completed connection, a disconnection, a wrong number, a busy tone, etc., can occur. We hereby define the activities that are used in our example as the requirements:
In this section, we introduce the Timethread methodology by describing how single timethreads and composed timethread maps are constructed from requirements.
The notation used to construct single timethreads includes several basic symbols that are identified in the Timethread map 1. Such a typical timethread starts with a waiting-place (triggering event) and ends with a junction point (resulting event). The body, on which activities are sequentially placed, links the triggering event to its resulting event(s). Notions such as choice, parallelism, time-out and synchronization can also be expressed.
Timethread map 1: Successful connection.
This first timethread presents the traditional scenario path of a successful connection phase. The second timethread (Timethread map 2) illustrates the path where the initiator receives a busy signal, as a result of the responder's phone being already busy. Other timethreads could be derived from the requirements, but we will consider these two only to illustrate the key features of the methodology.
Timethread map 2: Initiator gets a busy tone.
The methodology allows the composition of multiple paths in a single map. The result of timethread composition is either the merging of several timethreads into a single one that offers alternate paths (choice), e.g. Timethread map 3, or the connection of timethreads in a single map, e.g. Timethread map 4. In the latter case, timethreads interact using internal events. Merged and connected timethreads provide new scenario paths resulting from the composition of simpler ones.
Timethread map 3 presents a merging of maps 1 and 2; they have a common sequence of activities and then a choice has to be made based on the system state (information received from CheckDB) in order to follow one path or the other.
Timethread map 3: Merging of Map 1 and Map 2.
Interactions may occur on waiting-places and junction points. For instance, two synchronous interactions occur between timethreads ConnectionPhase and Dialing on the waiting-places GiveTone and GotDial (two new internal activities) in Timethread map 4.
The in-passing semantics of interactions is visually represented by the triggering event of a timethread TT1 being juxtaposed to the body of a timethread TT2. When TT2 reaches this point on the path, it triggers TT1 and then continues. This is the case for activity GiveTone in Map 4. A waiting-place on a body waits for an event to occur from the environment (ex.: Dial) or from the result of another timethread (ex.: GotDial).
Several types of transformations, such as splitting, extension, and refinement, can be applied on timethread maps. Map 4 is the result of two such transformations applied to Map 1.
The successful connection has been extended with a new alternative result (ErrorDial), caused by a time-out during the dialing. This time-out occurs at the time waiting-place GotDial, which then returns TOut (a tag, or a value) as a result. Note that guards ([TOut] and [OK]) have been added on the alternative paths. Then, a segment of the path is split to allow parallelism between the dialing sequence and the rest of the path starting with the time waiting-place. The timethread Dialing is therefore created and finally composed with the original ConnectionPhase timethread on two synchronization points.
The broken arrow represents an abort activity, which means that EndDial (an internal activity) will destroy or disable ongoing scenarios along the timethread Dialing, similarly to a reset feature.
Timethread map 4: Splitting and extension of Map 1.
Along the way, we could create many single timethreads and compose or transform them into more complex timethread maps, as we did for Timethread map 4. We do so until we reach the point where we have captured all the requirements. The final Timethread map 5 represents the requirements at the level of abstraction chosen for this paper. Although space constraints forbid us to cover here the complete process that led to this map, we raise several points to give the reader a better understanding of the timethread methodology and the operations involved.
Timethread map 5: Simple telephone connection (Final map).
Our design process resulted in four interconnected timethreads:
To compose these timethreads (synchronously), several new internal events were created:
In the Disconnecting timethread, we also find an instance of three activities (EndConnect, EndDial, EndRing) that are performed in parallel.
Once we have a satisfactory timethread map, we use the LOTOS interpretation method to generate the specification to be analyzed and validated against the system requirements.
As a result of the timethread map decomposition, we obtain a timethread topology such as the one in Figure3(a), and a set of single timethreads descriptions, such as the one in Figure 4(a). Both come from their respective sections in the TMDL description. We do not show the final map as an example because it involves too many details. Its TMDL description and LOTOS specification are available upon request to the authors.
Note that we can define internal activities both globally in the map and locally in a timethread (see the two examples). For that purpose, we use the LOTOS hide operator in the specifications. Any activity can be defined as internal, depending on the level of abstraction.
The second step in the LOTOS interpretation method consists in the application of the structure interpretation method, where a LOTOS structure is generated from the topology of interacting timethreads (the Interactions section in TMDL). In Figure 3(b), the result obtained from our compiler is shown. We can observe that timethread interactions are mapped onto synchronization gates in the LOTOS specification, and individual timethreads are mapped onto LOTOS processes.
In the third step (see Figure 4), we apply the single timethread
interpretation method to generate LOTOS processes, or behaviour
expressions, from their corresponding timethreads (from the Interactions
section in the TMDL description). Note that triggers, waiting-places,
activities (actions) and results all correspond to LOTOS gates.
The identifiers used in the LOTOS specification are the ones used
in the TMDL description. More complex TMDL operators make use
of other LOTOS constructs such as choices, interleavings, synchronizations,
disablings, ADTs and guards, recursion, etc. In the fourth step,
we combine the LOTOS structure expression and behaviour expressions
in a global LOTOS specification. The latter reflects the scenario
paths induced by the timethread map, and is thereafter used by
the analysis and validation tools.
We now illustrate a number of LOTOS-based techniques and tools to check the high-level design. With available LOTOS tools, we can analyze and test whether the specification accepts all the scenarios from the requirements and refuses undesirable scenarios. We use model-checking and goal-oriented execution to verify properties such as absence of deadlocks and race conditions. We present in this section several key examples related to our case study.
The composition of timethreads results in the emergence of new scenarios, sometimes undesirable. The analysis of the specification corresponding to the final composed map helps in discovering these scenarios. LOTOS analysis can be done using step-by-step execution of the specification with tools such as ELUDO (Ghribi and Logrippo, 1993) and LOLA (Quemada, Pavón, and Fernández, 1988). We used LOLA in the following two examples.
Trace 1 in Figure 5(a) shows a global and expected scenario leading
to a successful connection. Internal actions starting with a Sync_
are automatically added by our TMDL-to-LOTOS compiler for internal
synchronizations. For instance, Sync_time_1
whether there is a time-out or not.
Trace2 presents a potential problem discovered in the high-level design. We see that a Dial can be followed by an ErrorDial, although this is forbidden in the requirements. The error is caused by a race condition at the waiting-place GotDial. A time-out occurred right after Dial was performed and before GotDial was received. Other such problems can be found during the analysis phase.
The problems and issues discovered during the analysis (and also during testing and verification) do not have to be solved at a timethread level. This might be too high a level of abstraction to do so. The goal here is to discover potential causes of problems that must be solved during the detailed-design phase.
Step-by-step execution is useful for an intuitive discovery of problems, but the global state space is usually too large for this technique to be efficient. One way to reduce this state space is to compose the specification with a test case, hence allowing an exhaustive search for problems in this context.
Design testing allows us to test internal activities of components by making them visible, in a grey-box fashion. One can check whether or not test cases that must be accepted can be executed by the specification, and whether or not test cases that must be rejected are always forbidden by the specification. This is called acceptance/rejection testing. Our methodology allows us to decide which activities should be internal and which should not, therefore leading to a high level of flexibility for the definition of test cases.
Single timethreads defined while constructing the final map can be used as acceptance test cases. These usually are straightforward scenarios that must be found in the composed map. Figure 6(a) presents a successful-connection test case derived, using the single timethread interpretation method, from the timethread in Map 1. We used the testing capabilities of LOLA to validate Test1 against the specification, and the result was a MAY PASS verdict. We can see from Figure 6(b) that 355 scenarios (traces) are possible, from which 20 lead to successes and 335 lead to deadlocks. This result is due to the combinations of possibilities where a time-out occurs (at GotDial or GotAnswer). Figure 6(c) presents one of these unexpected scenarios that were obtained from LOLA.
Test cases can also be generated by hand in LOTOS. For instance, Test2 (Figure 7) is an acceptance test case checking that connections are impossible when the responder does not perform the Answer activity. The result shows that 12 scenarios successfully satisfy the test and that there is no rejection. Therefore the verdict is a MUST PASS, as expected.
Rejection test cases are LOTOS processes that must deadlock in all cases when composed with the specification. Such tests could also be defined for our case study.
Model-checking (Clarke, Emerson, and Sistla, 1986) is a technique for verifying the truth or falsehood of temporal logic properties in a model of the specification. With this technique, we can skip non-essential activities, and thus concentrate on the important ones, in the expression of a property. If test cases are use, instead, all intermediate external activities between two activities of interest must be included.
Some of the temporal logic quantifiers allowed are AG
(henceforth in all futures), AF
(eventually in all
futures), EF
(eventually in some future). LMC (the
LOTOS Model Checker (Ghribi,1992)) is a model-checking tool that
is part of the University of Ottawa LOTOS toolkit ELUDO. A finite
model of the specification is obtained by the tool SELA (also
part of ELUDO) and then transformed into a Kripke model by LMC.
Some of the design properties checked by using LMC were:
EF ( 'Connected' )
: A connection will occur eventually
in some future. This is a requirement that should be satisfied
by any design. LMC indicates that this formula holds.
AG ('Dial' -> AF ('WrongNumber'|'BusyTone'|'NoAnswer'|'Connected'))
All Dial will be followed (not necessarily immediately)
by one of the four results enumerated. LMC returns a false
verdict, therefore indicating a problem. There is a race condition
at the time waiting-place GotDial and the resulting event
could be ErrorDial. This problem was previously found in
the analysis, as illustrated by the second trace of Figure 5.
AG ( 'Answer' -> AF ('Connected') )
: Every
Answer will be followed (not necessarily immediately) by
a Connected. Although this property sounds intuitively
correct, LMC's verdict is false because of a race condition
at the time waiting-place GotAnswer, thus avoiding the
Connected result.
EF ( 'HangUp' -> EF ('Connected') )
: A HangUp
may be followed by a Connected. This is an example of a
negative property that must be rejected by our design. LMC indicates
that this formula holds, so we conclude that there is another
problem at this level. In this case, a Connected could
slip between HangUp and EndConnect, indicating a
third race condition.
Many more positive and negative properties derived from the requirements can be verified with model-checking, and other problems than race conditions can be found (non-determinism, wrong ordering, deadlocks, etc.).
One disadvantage of model-checking is that it requires a complete model of the system to be constructed. For realistic systems, such models are (at best) computationally expensive to obtain. Goal-oriented execution (Haj-Hussein, Sincennes and Logrippo, 1993, and Brinksma and Eertink, 1993) is a LOTOS execution mode that directs execution to see whether certain action sequences can be achieved. Obviously impossible search directions are avoided by our GOAL tool (also part of ELUDO). Here are several design requirements, similar to the properties previously presented using temporal logic, which GOAL allows to verify:
GOAL [Connected]
: This goal checks that a Connected
result can be reached. This gives the set of possible scenarios
ending with this activity.
GOAL [Dial, ErrorDial]
: This goal checks that a Dial
can be reached, and that this can be followed by an ErrorDial.
The requirements state that this situation should not happen.
However GOAL indicates that it can happen, because of the race
condition at GotDial. This goal is complementary to the
second temporal logic property (Section ) to obtain all the traces
that lead to Dial and then to ErrorDial.
GOAL [Dial, Answer, NoAnswer]
: This goal checks that
a Dial can be reached, after this an Answer can
be reached, and eventually a NoAnswer can be reached. This
goal outputs the traces that invalidate the third property expressed
in the previous section.
Goals are useful by themselves to verify different properties, but they are also powerful as diagnostic tools for problems detected using model-checking.
We have demonstrated a design methodology which is based on the use of two complementary techniques: timethreads and process algebras (LOTOS). Timethreads are obtained from scenarios, which in turn are obtained from requirements, and then are combined into high-level designs. Timethread's graphical notation is translated manually into the language TMDL, and this automatically into LOTOS. LOTOS specifications can be analyzed, by using tools, for conformance to requirements. The essential points of this process were demonstrated on a simple telephony example. The validation techniques used were acceptance/rejection testing, model-checking, and goal-oriented execution. In (Amyot 1994), a much larger telepresence example was developed in a similar fashion.
Several research directions need to be pursued. Research must continue towards determining what are the validation techniques that are useful in relation with timethread design, and towards efficiently implementing them. Tools for the methodology must be implemented. In the long range, we see an integrated environment where this type of design and validation techniques can be carried out by users familiar with timethreads only.
This work was funded in part by the Telecommunications Research Institute of Ontario and by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We are grateful to Michel Locas, Ron Casselman, Abdellatif Obaid, and Trevor Pearce for contributions that led to this article.
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ISO (1988), Information Processing Systems, Open Systems Interconnection, "LOTOS - A Formal Description Technique Based on the Temporal Ordering of Observational Behaviour", IS 8807.
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Most theses and technical reports referenced in this paper are available on the World Wide Web at http://www.csi.uottawa.ca:80/~lotos/ and http://www.sce.carleton.ca/rads/doors.html.